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Auto Hunting
Status Ongoing
Type Manhwa

Auto Hunting

Alternative Titles Only I Auto Hunt, Solo Auto-Hunting

Synopsis Auto Hunting

The world under attack by monsters that are pouring from the ‘fracture’. And the ‘hunters’ who hunt those monsters are the most coveted job in the world currently. One day, Oh Yunsung who works his hardest from day to day as a worker in a meat restaurant awakens an ability to automatically hunt monsters with perfect techniques and physical prowess like in MMORPG when he presses a button ‘Auto Hunting’ that appears in front of him…!

Il mondo è sotto attacco da parte di mostri che fuoriescono dalle “fratture”. E i “hunter” che cacciano quei mostri . Un giorno, Oh Yunsung, che lavora di giorno in giorno come lavoratore in un ristorante , risveglia la capacità di combattere automaticamente i mostri con tecniche perfette e abilità fisica come in un MMORPG quandosi preme il pulsante “Auto-Hunting”, pulsante che appare di fronte lui…?!

Released N/A
Author Black Seed Entertainment
Serialization N/A
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Keywords: read auto hunting, auto hunting english, auto hunting eng, download auto hunting eng, read auto hunting online

Chapter Auto Hunting