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Damashie no Kiba
Status Ongoing
Type Manga

Damashie no Kiba

Alternative Titles 劇場版 騙し絵の牙. Kiba: The Fang of Fiction, 劇場版 騙し絵の牙, 騙し絵の牙

Synopsis Damashie no Kiba

嘘、裏切り、策略、リーク…クセモノ達のたどり着く結末とはーー!? 陰謀渦巻く出版社を舞台に描く痛快エンターテインメント開幕!! 大泉洋主演、話題の映画を完全コミカライズ!

An attractive and witty editor fights to keep his magazine alive despite corporate plans to stop publication.

Released 2021
Author HATOI Bun, KUSUNO Ichiro [Add, ]YOSHIDA Daihachi [Add, ]
Artist HATOI Bun
Serialization Comic Bridge (Kadokawa)
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