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Dame Ningen no Itoshikata
Status Ongoing
Type Manga

Dame Ningen no Itoshikata

Alternative Titles ダメ人間の愛しかた, Dame Ningen no Aishitaka, How to Love a Misfit, How to Love a Useless Person, ダメ人間の愛しかた

Synopsis Dame Ningen no Itoshikata


「才能もない お金もない 学歴もない キミは底辺のダメ人間」
「でも・・・そんなキミを見ているだけで 私は幸せなの」


そんな彼を見て、彼女は嘲嗤い/愛を囁く 否定して/傍にいる。


“No talent, no money, no education. A worthless person, bottom of the barrel.””But… just seeing you like that makes me feel so happy.”Shinba, an unemployed young man, is what someone could call a useless person.For some reason, such a man is dating a cool and beautiful woman named Hizumi.For the sake of Hizumi, whom he loves very much, Shinba tries to graduate from being a useless person, but his efforts are always in vain.She ridicule, sneers and deny him. She whisper words of love to him and stays by his side.An imbalanced love story, presented by a useless man and a devilish girlfriend, open its curtains to the world.

Released 2023
Author IWABA Junki
Artist IWABA Junki
Serialization Web Comic Apanta (Kadokawa)
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