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Dorei Tensei Sono Dorei, Saikyou no Moto Ouji ni Tsuki
Status Ongoing
Type Manga

Dorei Tensei Sono Dorei, Saikyou no Moto Ouji ni Tsuki

Alternative Titles Reincarnation of slaves-The slave, the strongest former prince-; 奴隷転生 ~その奴隷、最強の元王子につき~

Synopsis Dorei Tensei Sono Dorei, Saikyou no Moto Ouji ni Tsuki

最強の魔法師と呼ばれたカーリッツ王国の王子アルスは、若くしてこの世を去る。だが死の間際、彼は転生魔法を行使。最高の肉体を持つ奴隷、ウォルス・サイとして転生する!ある小国の王女の護衛となったウォルスは、最高の肉体と魔力を用いあらゆる敵を打ち砕く無双の奴隷となるのだった!「小説家になろう」発!“最強の奴隷”によるファンタジー冒険譚、開幕!! ※「小説家になろう」は株式会社ヒナプロジェクトの登録商標です

Ars, the prince of the Kingdom of Karitz, who was called the strongest wizard, died at a young age. But on the verge of death, he uses reincarnation magic. Reincarnated as Wals Sai, a slave with the best body! Wals, who became the escort of a princess in a small country, became an unrivaled slave who smashed all enemies with the best physical and magical powers! From “Become a Novelist”! A fantasy adventure by “the strongest slave”, opening !! * “Become a novelist” is a registered trademark of Hina Project Co., Ltd.

Released 2020
Author 誉 (Homare)
Serialization Pocket Shonen Magazine
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Chapter Dorei Tensei Sono Dorei, Saikyou no Moto Ouji ni Tsuki