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Elf to Shuryoushi no Item Koubou
Status Ongoing
Type Manga

Elf to Shuryoushi no Item Koubou

Alternative Titles エルフと狩猟士のアイテム工房, The Elf and the Hunter's Item Atelier, エルフと狩猟士のアイテム工房, 小妖精和狩猎士的道具工坊, 엘프와 헌터의 아이템 공방

Synopsis Elf to Shuryoushi no Item Koubou

森の小さな工房でアイテムを作るエルフ・マグリットと専属狩猟士の青年・ユラ。 世界の片隅で、冒険者たちのためにアイテムを作り続ける二人の間には、穏やか時間が流されていて――。 まったり優しい彼女達の日常を少し覗いてみませんか?

The elven craftsman Magritte runs a small atelier in the forest, and Yura, a human hunter who worships her. The two people, who have different races and lifespans, still follow each other and, upon request, create mysterious items one after another. Why not take a look a their daily life, which has nothing but the two, spun in an atelier?
Released 2018
Author AOI Umetarou
Artist AOI Umetarou
Serialization Shounen Gangan (Square Enix)
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