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Erio to Denki Ningyou
Status Ongoing
Type Manga

Erio to Denki Ningyou

Alternative Titles エリオと電気人形, Erio and Electric Doll, エリオと電気人形

Synopsis Erio to Denki Ningyou

電気人形のアンジュと電気人形に育てられた人間のエリオ。自分以外の人間を知らないエリオに外の世界を見せる為、2人は旅に出る――。 未来なのに懐かしく、機械なのに温かい。近未来でスチームパンクな冒険が始まる!

The story centers around Anjie, an electric doll, and Erio, a human raised by her. In order for Erio to experience the outside world, the two set out on a journey.Note: The series was originally planned to run as a short serialization with 5 as the final chapter in June 2022. However it the series continue as a full serialization starting on January 20, 2023.

Released 2022
Author SHIMAZAKI Mujirushi
Artist KUROI Mori
Serialization Tonari no Young Jump (Shueisha)
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