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Status Ongoing
Type Manga


Alternative Titles ギガント, 기간트

Synopsis Gigant

常に新しい漫画表現に挑戦してきた漫画家・奥浩哉の完全新連載は、ボーイ・ミーツ・ガール!? 映画監督を目指す高校生・横山田零はある日、大ファンであるAV女優・パピコを中傷する貼り紙を町で見かける。夜、その紙を剥がす彼の前に、パピコ本人が現れて……!!

Rei Yokoyamada, a high school boy who has a movie producer father. One day, while out with friends to shoot a film that he plans to enter into a film festival, a poster of Papiko, an adult video actress with big breasts, catches his eye.
Released 2017
Author OKU Hiroya
Artist OKU Hiroya
Serialization Big Comic Superior (Shogakukan)
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Keywords: read gigant, gigant english, gigant eng, download gigant eng, read gigant online

Chapter Gigant