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I Am Depressed While My Second Husband Is Desperate
Status Ongoing
Type Manhwa

I Am Depressed While My Second Husband Is Desperate

Alternative Titles 두 번째 남편이 절륜해서 우울하다, I'm Depressed Because My Second Husband Is Desperate, The Second Husband Is Desperate and Depressed, 두 번째 남편이 절륜해서 우울하다

Synopsis I Am Depressed While My Second Husband Is Desperate

대국민 고자라더니…?! 인생 2회차를 맞은 주인공 올리비아 이번 생엔 대리 효도에 시집살이를 시키면서 성욕까지 왕성한 남편에게서 벗어나기로 마음 먹는다 그래서 불능으로 소문난 타이론 공작에게 결혼을 제안했는데,결혼하고 보니 이 남자, 대국민 고자는 커녕 세상 능숙한 절륜남이었다…! 이건 사기야, 난 사기 결혼을 당한 거라고! 절륜한 두 번째 남편 때문에 오늘도 우울한 올리비아, 2회차 인생에서는 과연 행복해질 수 있을까?

Olivia, celebrating her second chance at life, decides to get away from her first husband, who has high libido. So she proposed marriage to Duke Tyrone, who is known for his incompetence, but when I got married, this man was a skillful man and totally not defective.

“This is fraud! This marriage is a fraud!”

Olivia, who is now depressed because of her desperate second husband putting moves on her, will she be happy in her second life?

Released 2022
Author Jimmy Shin
Artist Jaradog
Serialization Comico Korea (NHN Entertainment)
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Chapter I Am Depressed While My Second Husband Is Desperate