王立魔法学園の入学式に伯爵令嬢のリラは婚約者クラウスが別の女生徒と浮気しているのを目撃! クラウスはリラの事を「地味でつまらない」とあざわらっていた…。クラウスにそのことを問いただすと学園を卒業したら婚約破棄する!と宣言されてしまった。クラウスの実家の援助がなくなれば路頭に迷ってしまう!?それなら自立のために錬金術師になってみせます!
Countess Rilla is extremely poor! Without the backing of her fiancé, the Marquis of Moritz, she’s on the precipice of ruin! But at the entrance ceremony of the Royal Academy of Magic, she witnesses her fiancé Klaus having an affair with another girl! When she asks Klaus about the affair, he mocks her as “plain and boring”, and declares that he’ll break off the engagement after she graduates from the academy! If Klaus’s parents lose their support, he’ll be out on the street!
No, I’m trying! I refuse to get back together with the morally harassing marquis’s son! I’m going to become an alchemist for my independence! But the strange student from the empire, Ares, also appears…!
Alchemy is the art of freedom!