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Kaijin Fugeki
Status Ongoing
Type Manga

Kaijin Fugeki

Alternative Titles KAIJIN FUGEKI: Kindled Spirits, 灰仭巫覡

Synopsis Kaijin Fugeki


舎町に住む少年・仭は、「夜」により故郷を追われた英国軍人・ガオと出会う。自然に囲まれたのどかな町で、仲間たちと青春を過ごす二人。しかしそんな彼らの下に、再び「夜」が襲い来て……!?漫画の常識を覆すファンタジー巨編開幕! Night, phenomena that were once known as natural disasters. Faced with the threat of inexplicable destruction, children offer their prayers in the form of dance in order to borrow the power of the gods, quell the Night’s fury, and deliver the world from ruin. In a fateful encounter, a boy from a rural town in Japan, Jin, meets Gao, a British soldier who was forced to flee his homeland by the Night. The two spend their halcyon days with their friends in the quiet town surrounded by nature. Until one day, the Night suddenly falls on them once again!

Released 2024
Author Oh! Great
Artist Oh! Great
Serialization Shuukan Shounen Magazine (Kodansha)
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