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Kireteru Futari no Shucchou Meshi
Status Ongoing
Type Manga

Kireteru Futari no Shucchou Meshi

Alternative Titles キレてるふたりの出張めし, キレてるふたりの出張めし , Kireteru Futari No Shucchou Meshi

Synopsis Kireteru Futari no Shucchou Meshi

出張で全国を飛び回る営業マン・畑山ひろし。そして、畑山が教育を任されているのは女子新入社員・海原たまき。筋金入りの筋トレマニアである海原の予想外の行動に振り回される畑山であったが、ふたり一緒の出張ではオイシイ思いもできる……? 凸凹コンビが全国各地の美味くて栄養満点なご当地めしを食べ歩く、一風変わったグルメ旅!

Hiroshi Hatayama is a salesman who travels around Japan on business trips. And Hatayama is in charge of training a new female employee, Tamaki Kaihara. Hatayama is thrown into a tizzy by the unexpected behavior of the hardcore muscle training fanatic Kaihara, but the two of them also have some fun on their business trips together. The uneven duo take an unusual gourmet trip, eating delicious and nutritious local delicacies from all over the country!

Released 2024
Author IWAKUNI Hirohito
Artist IWAKUNI Hirohito
Serialization Comic Dengeki Daioh (ASCII Media Works)
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