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Kurameru Kagari
Status Ongoing
Type Manga

Kurameru Kagari

Alternative Titles Kuramerukagari, クラメルカガリ, クラメルカガリ

Synopsis Kurameru Kagari

鐵の匂いと土煙が舞う、日々目まぐるしく変化する炭砿街…通称“箱庭”。そんな街で、地図屋を営む少女──カガリと“箱庭”からの脱却を夢想する幼馴染──ユウヤ。儚くも強かに日々を過ごしていたふたりの日常は、頻発する不審な“陥没事故”により変化が訪れ…!? 街をゆるがすうねりの中で、少女と少年は“ちょっとだけ”大人になる──。塚原重義×成田良悟で放つ、痛快群像劇!

The original anime film this was based on has released alongside the movie Kurayukaba, which shares the same universe.In the busy day-to-day life of those in the ever changing coal mine town nicknamed the “Miniature Garden,” the smell of iron and dust clouds dance. Among the town’s inhabitants are Kagari, a cartographer, and her childhood friend Yuuya, who dreams of freeing himself from the Miniature Garden. Though they spend their fleeting days tenaciously, their everyday lives are transformed with the frequent occurrences of suspicious cave-ins…?! Under the town’s swaying billows, the young girl and boy faintly grow into adults.

Released 2024
Author NARITA Ryohgo, TSUKAHARA Shigeyoshi
Artist SanaTsu (彩naTsu)
Serialization MAGCOMI (Mag Garden)
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