15歳のある朝、封印されし魔族の力に覚醒した吉田優子の任務は、ご町内に住む「魔法少女」を倒すこと!? ツノと尻尾は生えたけど、力はフツーの女の子以下な優子が「月4万円生活の呪い」解除めざして奮闘する、逆転マジカルヒロイン4コマ!
A 4-koma that follows Yoshida Yuuko, a 15-year-old girl who awakens one morning with demonic power, and is tasked with defeating a local magical girl. She has horns and a tail, but truthfully less power than an ordinary girl. She struggles to lift the “curse of a 40,000 yen per month living.”