During a field trip with their middle school classmates, childhood friends Kaguya and Himawari are abducted by the secret society Millennium. The evil organization is notorious for the havoc it’s wreaked, but is it possible they’re…not the bad guys? After Kaguya gets a glimpse behind the curtain, everything starts to change, and she becomes privy to the truth underneath the world she lives in. Now that she’s bestowed with the power to transform into a magical girl, what path will she choose?

Status Ongoing
Type Manga
Mahou Shoujo Flaming Star
Alternative Titles
Divine Raiment Magical Girl Howling Moon, God Flame Heavenly Maiden Flaming Star, God Shining Moonlight Howling Moon, Shinsou Mahou Shoujo Howling Moon, 神装魔法少女ハウリングムーン, 神装魔法少女怒嚎明月
Synopsis Mahou Shoujo Flaming Star
SATOU Shouji
Young Dragon Age (Fujimi Shobo)
Posted On
Updated On
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