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Majutsu Guild Sousui
Status Ongoing
Type Manga

Majutsu Guild Sousui

Alternative Titles Commander-in-Chief of the Magic Guild!: A Second Chance at School Life, Majutsu Guild Sousui ~Umarekawatte Imasara Yarinaosu Nidome no Gakuin Seikatsu~, Majutsu Guild Sousui: Umarekawatte Imasara Yarinaosu Nidome no Gakuin Seikatsu, Master of the Magic Guild: Reborn and Starting Over Now for the Second Time at the Academy, 魔術ギルド総帥 ~生まれ変わって今更やり直す2度目の学院生活~, 魔術ギルド総帥~生まれ変わって今更やり直す2度目の学院生活~, Majutsu Girudo Sousui ~ Umarekawatte Imasara Yarinaosu 2 Dome No Gakuin Seikatsu ~

Synopsis Majutsu Guild Sousui

至天の大賢者セドリック。圧倒的な魔導の力により生ける伝説とも呼ばれていた彼だが、部下の裏切りにより非運の死を遂げてしまう。己の力に限界を感じていたセドリックは、転生の法理を使用して子どもからのやり直しを図る。しかし、転生先は魔法の才能ナシで親からも勘当された落ちこぼれのいじめられっ子!? 自らの命を捧げてまでセドリックを呼び出した青年の為、最強賢者のやり直し復讐ファンタジー、開幕!!至天の大賢者セドリック。圧倒的な魔導の力により生ける伝説とも呼ばれていた彼だが、部下の裏切りにより非運の死を遂げてしまう。己の力に限界を感じていたセドリックは、転生の法理を使用して子どもからのやり直しを図る。しかし、転生先は魔法の才能ナシで親からも勘当された落ちこぼれのいじめられっ子!? 自らの命を捧げてまでセドリックを呼び出した青年の為、最強の大賢者の復讐劇が始まる!!

The Heavenly Visitor and Great Sage, Cedric, is a sorcerer with immense magical prowess, so much so that he has become known as the living legend. In an unfortunate twist of fate, he faces an early demise at the hands of his traitorous subordinates. But Cedric turns this predicament into an opportunity for even further growth. Having felt the limits of his power, he had been studying the secret of rebirth to begin anew as a newborn human. However, when he puts his research into practice, he finds himself in the body of Alphred, a weak boy who is being picked on at school! Frustrated with his circumstances, he offers up his life to summon an avenger in Cedric, setting the stage for an epic revenge saga of the greatest sage!

Released 2023
Author SHIRAISHI Arata
Artist MOCHIZUKI Shuugorou
Serialization -
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Chapter Majutsu Guild Sousui