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Monogatari no Naka no Hito
Status Ongoing
Type Manga

Monogatari no Naka no Hito

Alternative Titles Monohito, The Person in the Story, The Tale Inside that Person, 物語の中の人, 物语中的人

Synopsis Monogatari no Naka no Hito

不老の魔法使いリヒードは、ひきこもり生活に終止符を打ち、外に出る決心をした! 森の中で偶然助けた領主の娘ミケーネから魔法学校の存在を聞いたリヒードは、子供の姿に変身し、ありとあらゆるコネを使って入学を試みる!! 伝説の魔法使いの物語、待望のコミカライズ!!

A young noblewoman once dreamed of becoming a magic user like in the old tales, but her time in magic school has dimmed her passion. One day, a mysterious man comes to her rescue in the forest, using magic like in the old stories. Despite the fact that he is clearly skilled in magic, he is thrilled by the idea of learning new techniques. Since the only way to do that in this day and age is in magic school, he alters his appearance to school-age and decides to accompany her back to school!

Released 2014
Author TANAKA Nijusan
Serialization Alpha Polis (Alpha Polis)
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Chapter Monogatari no Naka no Hito