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Neta Chara Tensei to ka anmari da!
Status Ongoing
Type Manga

Neta Chara Tensei to ka anmari da!

Alternative Titles It's not so much about reincarnated characters! , Neta Chara Tensei Toka Anmarida!, ネタキャラ転生とかあんまりだ!

Synopsis Neta Chara Tensei to ka anmari da!

日常がどうしようもなく退屈で、ゲームに没頭する毎日を送る大学生・相川徹は、なぜか気づいた時には異世界の森の中に一人佇んでいた。しかも、ゲームのお遊びで作った“ネタキャラ”にどうやら転生したようだ…。溢れんばかりの中二病と己の理想を詰め込んだ最強ヒロインにTS転生!ネタ技で異世界無双!? 最強TS転生ファンタジーここに開幕!!

Guy dies and reincarnates into another world as the female character he made. Toru Aikawa, a college student who spends his days immersing himself in games because his daily life is so boring, was standing alone in a forest in a different world when he realized why. Moreover, it seems that he has reincarnated into the “news character” made by playing the game. TS reincarnated into the strongest heroine packed with the overflowing Chuunibyo and his own ideals! A different world with a story technique !? The strongest TS reincarnation fantasy opens here !!

Released 2020
Author OTONASHI Kanade
Serialization MAGCOMI (Mag Garden)
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Chapter Neta Chara Tensei to ka anmari da!