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Nullitas : The Counterfeit Bride
Status Ongoing
Type Manga

Nullitas : The Counterfeit Bride

Alternative Titles 눌리타스 : 절반의 백작 영애, Nulliitas: The Half-Blood Royalty, Nullitas: The Counterfeit Bride, Nuritas: False novia, 눌리타스 : 절반의 백작 영애, ヌリタス~偽りの花嫁~, 奴莉塔絲~偽裝的新娘~

Synopsis Nullitas : The Counterfeit Bride

눌리타스! 백작의 딸로 다시 태어나다

왕국의 유서 깊은 로마그놀로 백작 가의 이름도 없는 허드렛일을 하는 소년.
아이의 어머니는 성의 하녀로 일하고 있었는데, 어느 날 아이는 어머니가 백작과 육체적인 관계를 맺는 사이라는 것을 알게 된다. 그리고 얼마 지나지 않아, 아이는 초경을 시작해서 크게 놀란다. 아이의 어머니가 질투심이 유별난 백작 부인이 그들 모녀를 해칠까 봐 아이를 먼 친척뻘인 사내로 길렀고, 머리 또한 백작의 사생아라는 것을 감추기 위해서 염색을 해 왔음을 고백한다.
그러던 어느 날, 백작가의 후계자 17살 아비오가 늘 눈에 거치적거리는 아이를 마구 폭행한다. 아이가 거의 죽을 만큼 부상을 입자, 아이의 어머니는 백작에게 가서 청을 넣는다.
아이가 그의 사생아라고, 제발 살려달라고.
백작은 일단 아이를 살려주고, 깨어난 아이의 은색의 머리를 보고 그의 핏줄임을 확신한다. 하지만 그 즈음 왕국의 왕이 로마그놀로 백작 가의 막내딸 메이린과 기이하다 악명 높은 모르시아니 공작과의 혼인을 강제하고, 로마그놀로 가에서는 금지옥엽으로 키운 메이린을 보호하기 위해, 사생아인 하녀의 딸을 대역으로 세우기로 작정한다.

아이는 17년 간 없었던 이름을 그 자리에서 아주 간단하게 부여받는다.
‘눌리타스 로마그놀로’
눌리타스는 라틴어로 아무것도 아니라는 의미였다.
그렇게 눌리타스는 메이린 대신 모르시아니 공작의 성으로 향하는데….

One day, a girl who was raised as a boy has her entire life flipped upside down… A nameless boy who dreams of, becoming a knight works as a servant for the renowned Romagnolo Family. One day when he is seventeen years old, the boy faces his first monthly period and his mother tells him that actually, he is a girl. She is Count Romagnolo’s Illegitimate child and her mother secretly raised her as a boy to protect her. When the count finds about his illegitimate child, he decides to use her as a pawn to protect his daughter, Maylene, from an unfavorable engagement. In that instant, the child who has lived for seventeen years without a name is given one, and her life begins to change drastically. Her name is “Nullitas” which means “nothing.”

Released 2021
Author Jezz
Artist RITOU Harusumi
Serialization Comico Japan (NHN Entertainment)
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Chapter Nullitas : The Counterfeit Bride