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Riko Tekina Seijin Koho Toriaezu Isekaide Wa Ga Mama Sasetemoraimasu
Status Ongoing
Type Manga

Riko Tekina Seijin Koho Toriaezu Isekaide Wa Ga Mama Sasetemoraimasu

Alternative Titles 利己的な聖人候補 とりあえず異世界でワガママさせてもらいます, Selfish saint candidate For the time being, I will be selfish in a different world

Synopsis Riko Tekina Seijin Koho Toriaezu Isekaide Wa Ga Mama Sasetemoraimasu

忙しい両親に代わり弟たちの面倒を見てきた「オバちゃん」こと小幡初子。ついに就職で実家を離れ、自由を満喫するぞ! と思ったのも束の間、神様の手違いで命を落としてしまう! お詫びに聖人になるか異世界で人生をやり直すかを提案された彼女は、「自由にやりたいことをする」という夢を叶えるために転生を選択。神様にもらった盛りだくさんのお詫びチートで異世界をワガママ放題楽しむことに! スキルも加護もフル活用! 夢のスローライフを目指す転生ファンタジー、待望のコミカライズ!

Hatsuko Obata, also known as “Oba-chan,” has taken care of her younger brothers on behalf of her busy parents. Finally, I will leave my parents’ house to get a job and enjoy my freedom! I thought that for a moment, God would die by mistake! She was suggested to apologize for becoming a saint or to start over in a different world, and she chose to reincarnate in order to fulfill her dream of “doing what she wants to do freely.” With a lot of apology cheats given by God, you can enjoy the different world as much as you want! Make full use of skills and protection! Reincarnation fantasy aiming for a dream slow life, long-awaited comicalize!

Released 2020
Author やまなぎ
Artist 七輝翼
Serialization Alpha Polis
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