「小説家になろう」で大人気の原作を東雲太郎がコミカライズ。元騎士の主人公が転生したのはSランクモンスターの「ベヒーモス」。しかし幼体なので見た目は仔猫!? 自分を拾ってくれた美少女エルフ娘を守るため、騎士(ペット)としての誇りを胸に戦う! 異世界冒険ファンタジー!
Elven girl, “Aria” is an adventurer. A small beast with an adorable face embraces Aria’s fruitful chest, she decides to keep it as a pet and names it “Tama”. At first sight it’s just an average cat, but Aria has yet to notice that Tama is a former Knight and that his identity is not a cat, but a young monster of the strongest class “Behemoth”.