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Shinmai Ossan Bouken-sha, Saikyou paati ni shinu hodo kitae rarete Muteki ni naru
Status Ongoing
Type Manga

Shinmai Ossan Bouken-sha, Saikyou paati ni shinu hodo kitae rarete Muteki ni naru

Alternative Titles 新米オッサン冒険者、最強パーティに死ぬほど鍛えられて無敵になる。, A novice Ossan adventurer, trained to death by the strongest party and becomes invincible.

Synopsis Shinmai Ossan Bouken-sha, Saikyou paati ni shinu hodo kitae rarete Muteki ni naru

『冒険者になるのはできるだけ若いうちがいい』そんなことは常識だ。冒険者の強さの基礎である「魔力」は若いうちに鍛えなければ、ほとんど伸びないからである。 しかしその男、なんと30歳を過ぎてから冒険者を目指したリック・グラディアートルは、新米ながらも最高位であるSランク並みの戦闘力を有していた!? 実はリックは、大陸最強の冒険者が集う伝説のパーティ「オリハルコン・フィスト」のメンバーによって想像を絶する日常を過ごしてきたのだ。 ドラゴンからヴァンパイアまで、文字通り「モンスター」級の師匠たちに鍛え上げられた戦闘力で、リックはなめてかかってくるエリート冒険者を次々にねじ伏せていく。

“You should be as young as possible to be an adventurer.” That is common sense. This is because the “magical power” that is the basis of an adventurer’s strength hardly grows unless he is trained while he is young. However, the man, Rick Gladiartre, who aimed to become an adventurer after he was 30 years old, had the fighting power of S rank, which is the highest rank even though he was a newcomer !? In fact, Rick is the strongest on the continent. The members of the legendary party “Orichalcum Fist” where adventurers gather have spent an unimaginable daily life. From dragons to vampires, with the fighting power trained by literally “monster” -class masters, Rick defeats the elite adventurers who are licking one after another.

Released -
Author 原作/岸馬きらく , キャラクター原案/Tea
Serialization Hobby Japan
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Keywords: read shinmai ossan bouken-sha, saikyou paati ni shinu hodo kitae rarete muteki ni naru, shinmai ossan bouken-sha, saikyou paati ni shinu hodo kitae rarete muteki ni naru english, shinmai ossan bouken-sha, saikyou paati ni shinu hodo kitae rarete muteki ni naru eng, download shinmai ossan bouken-sha, saikyou paati ni shinu hodo kitae rarete muteki ni naru eng, read shinmai ossan bouken-sha, saikyou paati ni shinu hodo kitae rarete muteki ni naru online

Chapter Shinmai Ossan Bouken-sha, Saikyou paati ni shinu hodo kitae rarete Muteki ni naru