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Sotsugyou Arubamu no Kanojotachi
Status Ongoing
Type Manga

Sotsugyou Arubamu no Kanojotachi

Alternative Titles 卒業アルバムの彼女たち, Sotsugyou Arubamu No Kanojo-tachi, The Heroines in My Graduation Albums, 卒業アルバムの彼女たち

Synopsis Sotsugyou Arubamu no Kanojotachi

思い出になったはずの恋が、全部まとめて動き出す!! 映画が趣味の叶絵廻(かなえめぐる)は、小中高で恋が始まりそうな相手がいたが、恋の経験値が足りず、なにも動き出せなかった。その経験から、大学では恋愛に目もくれず、映画サークルの活動に精力を注ぐと誓う。が、そう思ったのも束の間、映画サークルで出会った大塚大空(おおつかそら)に恋心を抱いてーー?恋愛フラグ大回収ラブコメディ、開幕!

A love that was supposed to be just a memory starts moving all at once!!” Kanae Meguru, a movie enthusiast, had potential romantic interests throughout elementary, middle, and high school. However, due to his lack of experience in love, he was never able to take action. Learning from that, he vowed to focus entirely on his university film club activities, completely ignoring romance. But that resolve was short-lived—before he knew it, he found himself falling for Ootsuka Ozora, a girl he met in the film club…!? A romantic comedy where all the love flags get collected—let the story begin!

Released 2025
Author MIKAWA Ghost
Artist NOBI Takami
Serialization Magazine Pocket
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