라면을 끓이다 눈을 떠보니 왕도 게이, 후궁도 게이, 기사도 게이, 신하도 게이, 사서도 게이인 BL소설 속 왕의 냉대를 받는 왕비의 시녀로 깨어났다. 주인공 버프라곤 1도 없는 평범한 시녀 아스가 된 그녀는 과연 무사히 살아남을 수 있을까? 그 시녀가 살아남는 법!
When I opened my eyes while cooking ramen, I woke up as the Queen’s maid who was treated coldly by the King in the BL novel where the King was gay, the concubine was gay, the knight was gay, the servant was gay, and the librarian was gay.
Will she be able to survive safely after becoming an ordinary maid, Ash, who has no main character buffs?
How will the maid survive!