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The Villains Precious Daughter
Status Ongoing
Type Manhwa

The Villains Precious Daughter

Alternative Titles 악당의 소중한 따님, 악당의 소중한 따님

Synopsis The Villains Precious Daughter

성녀와 닮았다는 이유로 납치당한 것도 억울한데
악당은 가차 없이 나를 죽였다.

아니, 그렇게 죽을 거라고 책에 쓰여 있었다.

‘이번 생은 망했어. 하필이면 어이없이 죽는 역할이야?’

아직 희망은 있었다.
등장인물들과 아무도 만나지 않은 지금, 도망쳐야 한다!
그런데 왜 악당이 내 앞에 쓰러져 있지……?

죽을 고비에서 겨우 악당을 구했더니
이젠 그가 성녀가 될 재목이라며 나를 딸로 입양했다?!
기왕 이렇게 된 거, 며칠 딸 노릇 하다가 조용히 떠나려고 했는데

“내 딸은 천재다. 내 딸처럼 천사 같은 아이는 이 세상에 없지.”

……아빠를 너무 잘 꼬셔 버린 것 같다.

심지어 진짜 성녀를 따라다니던 남자들도 내게 관심을 갖기 시작했다.

왜 이래? 나 너희들 싫거든?!

It’s already unfair that I suffered greatly because I closely resembled the Saintess but why did the villain kill me without any mercy at all?

No, actually, it said in the book that I was really bound to die.

‘My life is already ruined. Of all things, why do I have to be the one to die a ridiculous death?’

There’s still hope! I haven’t met any of the characters yet so I’ll just run away!

But why did the villain collapse in front of me……?

With a lot of effort, I barely saved the life of the villain who was on the brink of death.

But now he’s saying that he wanted to adopt me as his daughter and raise me to be a Saintess?!

Just like that, I decided to become his daughter for a few days before leaving quietly.

“My daughter is a genius. There’s no child that is more angelic in this world other than my daughter.”

……I think I have coaxed my dad too well.

Even the guys who originally followed the real Saintess started to pay attention to me.

What went wrong? Aren’t you guys supposed to hate me?!

Released 2022
Author I-Ring, Yoon On [Add, ]
Artist I-Ring
Serialization Kakaopage (Kakao)
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