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Touch to Unlock
Status Ongoing
Type Manhwa

Touch to Unlock

Alternative Titles Touch On, 만져서 봉인해제, 만져서봉인해제

Synopsis Touch to Unlock

매사에 불행한 재수생 치호의 팔자는 사실 대길. 무당이었던 엄마가 흉살을 가진 7명의 동네 여자애들에게 기운을 나눠줬기 때문에 치호는 되는 일이 없다. 하지만 이제 스무 살이 되었고 기운을 되돌려 받을 방법은 바로… 만져서?! <미스미스틱> 짐티지 작가 신작, 드디어 봉인 해제!

Chiho has been unlucky his whole life, but he was actually born with a rare, most auspicious destiny. It’s just that his mother, who is a shaman, decided to share his energies with seven girls in their neighborhood to help them overcome their cursed fates. But now that Chiho has become an adult, it’s time for him to retrieve his energies. And the way to do that is… through touch?! A new comic from the creators of Ms. Mystic.

Released 2019
Author Zimtigee
Artist Zimtigee
Serialization Lezhin (Lezhin)
Posted On
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Keywords: read touch to unlock, touch to unlock english, touch to unlock eng, download touch to unlock eng, read touch to unlock online

Chapter Touch to Unlock