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Status Ongoing
Type Manga


Alternative Titles Цугумомо (Russian), つぐもも, 怪怪守護神, 츠구모모

Synopsis Tsugumomo

人が長く使い続けた物には想いが宿り、それを「付喪神」という…。母の形見の帯を大事にし、常に持ち歩いていた一也は、ある日、不可思議な物体に襲われてしまう。その時に助けてくれたのは、帯の付喪神・桐葉だった!! アクションありラブコメありちょっぴりエッチありの学園もののけファンタジ-!

Kazuya Kagami never goes anywhere without the precious “Sakura Obi” his mother gave him. One day a beautiful, kimono-clad girl named Kiriha appeared before him. Kiriha naturally began to live with Kazuya in his room. Then there’s Chisato, Kazuya’s childhood friend with glasses and a ponytail, who meddles in his affairs. Soon there’s also an overprotective older sister who seems to want to take baths with him. Jumble in a huge-chested priestess, a good-looking sorceress named Kokuyoura, beautiful women, and hot girls, and Kazuya’s happy, embarrassing, confusing life begins…

Released 2007
Author HAMADA Yoshikazu
Artist HAMADA Yoshikazu
Serialization Comic Seed! (Futabasha)Gekkan Action (Futabasha)Web Comic Action (Futabasha)
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Keywords: read tsugumomo, tsugumomo english, tsugumomo eng, download tsugumomo eng, read tsugumomo online

Gallery Tsugumomo

Chapter Tsugumomo