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Tsuki 50-man moratte mo Ikigai no nai Tonari no Onee-san ni 30-man de Yatowarete Okaeri tte Iu Oshigoto ga Tanoshii
Status Ongoing
Type Manga

Tsuki 50-man moratte mo Ikigai no nai Tonari no Onee-san ni 30-man de Yatowarete Okaeri tte Iu Oshigoto ga Tanoshii

Alternative Titles It's Fun Having a 300,000 Yen a Month Job Welcoming Home an Onee-San Who Doesn't Find Meaning in a Job That Pays Her 500,000 Yen a Month, It's my work that I say to her, "Okaeri", With a pay of 300,000 yen per month, I was hired to do the fun job of saying, "Welcome back," to the onee-san next door who has no use for a monthly salary of 500,000 yen, 月50万もらっても生き甲斐のない隣のお姉さんに30万で雇われて『おかえり』って言うお仕事が楽しい, 每月领着50万月薪也觉得没有意义的邻居OL,用30万雇佣了我让我每天和她说“欢迎回来

Synopsis Tsuki 50-man moratte mo Ikigai no nai Tonari no Onee-san ni 30-man de Yatowarete Okaeri tte Iu Oshigoto ga Tanoshii

雨の日の夜、マンションの廊下で松友裕二は、隣に住むOL・早乙女ミオが鍵を無くし途方に暮れていたのに出くわす。放っておけず助けただけのつもりが……「月に三十万円であなたを雇います」と宣言されてしまい!? ちょっとした親切が、彼を地獄の社畜生活から生活能力ゼロの美人OLに「おかえり」を言う天国に転職するミラクルをもたらす! 孤独なお隣さんとのアットホームラブコメディ。

Matsutomo is a salaryman at a black company who’s being overworked to death by a chief who’s a pro at dumping all his work on him. What’s more, no one seems to remember his name and they all call him Matsumoto. One night, coming home late once more, he runs into his beautiful yet distant neighbor, Saotome-san. It seems that she had left her phone, wallet, and the apartment key in her bag at a supplier’s place 3 hours away. And in the apartment she can no longer get into, she has some important documents that she must have for tomorrow’s meeting! Ever a gentleman, Matsutomo helps her out, saving her from the predicament, and moved, she makes him an offer he never gets a chance to refuse.

Released 2020
Author KIWADOI Shouri
Serialization Comic Gardo (Overlap)
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