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Two Sides of the Princess
Status Ongoing
Type Manhwa

Two Sides of the Princess

Alternative Titles 두 얼굴의 황녀, The Double-Faced Princess, The Two-Faced Princess, 두 얼굴의 황녀

Synopsis Two Sides of the Princess

여섯 번의 약혼, 여섯 번의 파혼.
약혼자들이 늘 시녀와 바람이 나서, 유약하고 아둔하기로 소문난 황녀, 아폴로니아.
그러나 그녀에겐 숨겨진 또 하나의 얼굴이 있는데…

그녀의 목표는 바로 황위 찬탈!

기다려요 아버지, 딸이 가고 있어요.
빼앗긴 내 것을 되찾으러…

Princess Apollonia may seem weak and dim-witted, but the truth is, she’s not as clueless as she seems. She must keep up her act of ignorance to foil her cruel father’s political schemes and weave her way out of his arranged marriages. Her ultimate objective is to avenge the deaths of her mother and grandfather and shape her own destiny! With a few secret powers, a handful of trustworthy allies, and some schemes of her own… will Princess Apollonia successfully reclaim her throne as the rightful heir?

Released 2021
Author Ryu Juyeon
Artist Tori (토리) [Add, ]
Serialization Kakaopage (Kakao)
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Keywords: read two sides of the princess, two sides of the princess english, two sides of the princess eng, download two sides of the princess eng, read two sides of the princess online

Chapter Two Sides of the Princess