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Wakaba San Chi no Aoi Koi
Wakaba San Chi no Aoi Koi
Status Ongoing
Type Manga

Wakaba San Chi no Aoi Koi

Alternative Titles 若葉さんちの青い恋, Wakaba-san Chi No Aoi Koi

Synopsis Wakaba San Chi no Aoi Koi

若葉家四姉妹は今、全員が“初恋”の真っ最中。 長女・心春(こはる)はバイト先の先輩、 次女・真夏(まなつ)は趣味が一緒の弓道部の子、 三女・秋楽(あきら)は同じ部活の同級生、 四女・千冬は同じクラスの男子、 それぞれ好きな人に「好き」って気持ちをどう伝えようか 仲の良い四姉妹は日夜、恋のお悩み相談を繰り広げています。 四姉妹それぞれの片想いを見守る “初恋”観察ラブコメディー、開幕! ◆作者コメント 初連載です! がんばります!!

Youth Romcom about 4 sisters who all experience their first love at the same time. While the eldest is having a crush on the guy at her part-time work, the other three are dealing with their first romantic experiences with boys in their classes and school clubs. Every night the four are having heart-to-heart girls talks as they navigate their respective first loves.

Released 2024
Author OGATA Akane
Artist OGATA Akane
Serialization Sunday Web Every
Posted On
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