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Yakushi to Maou
Status Ongoing
Type Manga

Yakushi to Maou

Alternative Titles 薬師と魔王 永遠の眷恋に咲く, Chemist and Devil King, 薬師と魔王 永遠の眷恋に咲く

Synopsis Yakushi to Maou


薬の研究者として働く佐藤星奈は、気がつくと異世界に迷い込んでいた――! なんとか薬師「セーナ」としての生活を始めたある日、不思議な男性に遭遇する。絶世の美しさと、強い魔力を持ちながら病弱なその人は、魔王デルマティティディス。漢方医学の知識と経験を見込まれたセーナは、彼の専属薬師となり、忘れ難い特別な時間を共にする。そうしていつしか二人は惹かれ合い……。元リケジョの天才薬師と美しき魔王が織りなす、運命を変える溺愛ロマンス、開幕!

Sena Satou, who works as a medicinal researcher, finds herself lost in a different world – and she is not the only one! One day, after managing to start life as the medicine man ‘Sena’, she encounters a mysterious man. He is the demon king Delmatitidis, a man of immense beauty and strong magical powers, but sickly and weak. Sena’s knowledge and experience in herbal medicine is recognised, and she becomes his personal apothecary, with whom he shares a special and unforgettable time. And so, before long, the two are drawn to each other. A drowning romance that will change the destiny of a genius former Licejo apothecary and a beautiful Demon King begins!

Released 2023
Author YUUZUKI Akane
Artist HATSUSE Shiro [Add, ]
Serialization Young Ace Up (Kadokawa)
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