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Yuukoku no Moriarty
Status Ongoing
Type Manga

Yuukoku no Moriarty

Alternative Titles Moriarty (French), Moriarty the Patriot, Moriarty's Patriotism, Moriarty, el patriota (Spanish), Patriootti Moriarty (Finnish), Vatansever Moriarty, 忧国的莫里亚蒂, 憂国のモリアーティ

Synopsis Yuukoku no Moriarty

時は19世紀末、大英帝国最盛期のロンドン──。 この国に根付く階級制度に辟易するモリアーティ伯爵家長子・アルバート。孤児院から引き取ったある兄弟との出会いによって、世界を浄化するための壮大な計画が動き出す。名探偵シャーロック・ホームズの宿敵、モリアーティ教授の語られざる物語の幕が開く──!!

In the late 19th century, Great Britain rules over a quarter of the world. Nobles sit in their fancy homes in comfort and luxury, while the working class slaves away at their jobs. When young Albert James Moriarty’s upper-class family adopts two lower-class orphans, the cruelty the boys experience at his family’s hands cements Albert’s hatred of the nobility he was born into. He asks the older of the two boys—who has a genius mind and a killer instinct—to help him rid the world of evil, starting with Albert’s own family!

Released 2016
Author TAKEUCHI Ryousuke
Artist MIYOSHI Hikaru
Serialization Jump SQ (Shueisha)
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Chapter Yuukoku no Moriarty